Blueberries may assist with memory and cognition

Scientific protocols about amnesia and Alzheimer’s

Scientific protocols about amnesia and Alzheimer’s

The brain is the organ in which learning takes place and memories are stored. Not only is ability to learn and remember needed for survival, but our memories play a critical role in our sense of self. Medical science is only beginning to identify the biochemical underpinnings of memory and learning, and the nutrients needed to support them. Many people are taking advantage of these research findings now to help maintain our brains’ ability to learn and remember as we live longer. Older men and women who are facing more than “senior moments” will find that the information provided by Life Extension’s protocols for age-related cognitive decline, amnesia and Alzheimer’s disease offer hope when many mainstream physicians believe that nothing can be done.

Memory / Cognition Science & Research

Support your brain health with a healthy diet, exercise, restful sleep, mental challenges and nutrients that promote memory & cognition.

Frequently Asked Memory / Cognition Questions


What causes memory loss?

Memory loss can be caused by a variety of factors. As we age, it is common to experience a decline in cognition due to chronic inflammation, oxidative stress, declining hormones like DHEA and pregnenolone, vascular dysfunction, and more. Nutritional deficiencies and certain medications can also impact memory and cognition.


What can I do to improve my memory?

Diet can have a significant impact on mental capacity—try switching to a Mediterranean-style diet (high in mono- and poly-unsaturated fats, fruits and vegetables). Exercise get enough sleep and manage stress for improved brain health. Also, engage in activities that train your memory, like learning a new skill or language. Just as muscles are strengthened by exercise, your brain is strengthened by mental exercise. Ingredients like lithium, colostrinin, and phosphatidylserine can help protect your memory as well.


How can I improve short term memory?

Short-term memory refers to the ability to hold information in your mind for a short period of time (usually a matter of seconds!) for ready access—like if you need to remember a phone number for immediate use. If the information is not promptly “committed” to memory, it will be lost. Some ways to prolong the memory’s accessibility are by verbalizing it or by using mnemonic devices—these techniques help to link the information to something more tangible. Proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle can improve memory overall as well.

Memory / Cognition News

Science and Research About Maintaining Memory and Cognition Health