Typing on laptop requires attention and focus

Prevent attention deficit and age-related cognitive decline

Prevent attention deficit and age-related cognitive decline

The ability to focus our attention is essential to most everything we do, including learning and forming memories. This ability relies upon the brain, an organ that consumes up to 20% of the body’s total energy. If our brains aren’t receiving optimal nutritional support, they won’t function at their best. Life Extension’s protocols for Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Age-Related Cognitive Decline provide insight on the causes of these conditions and offer nutritional and other suggestions to help people find their focus.

Attention / Focus Science & Research

A healthy diet, exercise, restful sleep, personal relationships and mental challenges all contribute to brain health.

Frequently Asked Attention / Focus Health Questions


How can I maximize attention and focus?

Maximize your ability to focus by ensuring you are getting enough exercise and sleep. Being sedentary and tired will hinder your attention span. Stay hydrated and avoid turning to sugar and excessive caffeine for a boost, as that may lead to a “crash”. Instead, try an herbal tea, such as spearmint, for a boost in focus. Other ingredients like vinpocetine, wild green oats, and neurohormones like pregnenolone can help improve focus as well.


How can I avoid distractions?

Our phones are a huge source of distraction. Constant notifications make it difficult to stay on task. If you’re trying to focus, silence your phone and put it out of reach while you work to avoid the urge to constantly check it. Remove other distractions, such as clutter or noise. Set yourself concrete goals and check them off a list as you go—try tackling and completing one task at a time for better efficiency. Importantly, allow yourself periodic breaks: take a walk, eat a healthy snack, or talk to a coworker (but be sure to set a time limit!).


How can I focus more naturally?

A healthy diet, exercise, sleep, and staying hydrated are essential for better focus. Try to avoid very heavy meals during the day, as they may cause the dreaded afternoon slump. Instead, try a more plant-centric lunch. Stay mindful—meditation, yoga, or tai chi can help keep you calm and more attentive. Herbal teas, like spearmint, can help give you a caffeine-free boost as well. And if you find yourself slumping, take a break! You’ll feel more refreshed and ready to tackle your work afterwards.

Attention / Focus News

Science and Research About Maintaining Attention and Focus Health