Science & Research
Science & Research
40 Years on the forefront of pioneering medical research
Our clinical researchers continually push the envelope of scientific innovation in an effort to unlock new gateways to extraordinary wellness and vitality. We’re here to guide you through the hype and hysteria by translating science into everyday insights so you can make informed decisions and live your healthiest life. Here you will find in-depth protocols on a variety of health conditions and articles on the latest in health and nutrition science.
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Featured Science & Research
How Honest Are You With Your Doctor?
Does having open and honest conversations with your doctor come naturally to you? You might be surprised to find out that's not the case for everyone.
Diabetes and Glucose Control
This protocol will explain the difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes, and how elevated blood sugar, even within the conventional normal range, can damage tissues throughout the body.
Atherosclerosis and Cardiovascular Disease
Unlike mainstream medicine’s approach to treating atherosclerosis, a comprehensive nutritional regimen can be designed to target all of the risk factors that contribute to atherosclerosis.
Inflammation (Chronic)
In this protocol you will learn about risk factors for inflammation and lab tests used to identify and monitor inflammation within the body.
Male Hormone Restoration
This protocol will help you learn about comprehensive hormone restoration and how it can support men’s health when combined with proper medical care, diet and exercise.
Female Hormone Restoration
In this protocol, you will learn how to approach bioidentical hormone replacement therapy judiciously. You will also learn how using readily available blood tests may help guide your therapy.