woman hold a yogurt drink

Gut Health & Beyond: The Power of Probiotics

Gut Health & Beyond: The Power of Probiotics



Get our "pro tips" on which beneficial bacteria you need to be your best.

A healthy gut is the key to a life in balance; not only do you feel better when your digestive system is working optimally, but healthy digestion has been linked to a healthy immune system, among other benefits. So how do you promote gut health? The answer lies in the trillions of microorganisms within your digestive tract known as your microbiome. Here's why your microbiome is so critical to your wellbeing—and how probiotics can help.

  1. Probiotics are "good" bacteria that you ingest

    We tend to think of bacteria as a bad thing—but this isn't always the case; some types of bacteria actually promote health when ingested in sufficient amounts. That's why you need to have enough good bacteria to balance out the "bad" bacteria—and adding probiotics to your routine is a great way to tilt that balance in your favor!

  2. Support whole-body health with probiotics

    Ingesting probiotics regularly can help promote digestive health, regularity and comfort—but, that's not all! There are specific types of probiotics—different strains—that support immune health, heart health, liver health, a positive mood and more.

  3. Your lifestyle choices impact your gut health

    To ensure you're cultivating a thriving community of beneficial bacteria in your gut, live your best life. Get enough sleep, exercise, manage stress effectively and eat a healthy diet rich in yogurt and fermented foods, which could be a good source of probiotics.


Get our "pro tips" on which beneficial bacteria you need to be your best.

All About Probiotics

Achieve your optimal digestive microbiome health with a healthy diet and the nutrients that your gut’s good bacteria need.

Microbiome Information & Research


How can I support gut health?

Your digestive system needs the same things that the rest of you needs to be at its best: healthy food, plenty of sleep, healthy work, school and lifestyle habits, even plenty of water. If you eat a diet high in fiber, fruits and vegetables and low in saturated fats, your gut will thank you!


What are the best probiotic strains for gut health?

When choosing digestive health probiotics, look for these names on the back of your gut health supplement. But remember to pay attention to all three parts of the name. The first letter or word is the genus name. The next word (hint: it's usually in Latin) is the species name. The last word is the strain. Scientists have studied these individual strains to find the ones that work best for supporting digestive health, so the last part is very important.

  • L. reuteri DSM 17938
  • L. acidophilus CL1285
  • L. casei LBC80R
  • L. rhamnosus CLR2
  • L. acidophilus NCFM
  • L. paracasei Lpc-37
  • B. lactis BI-04
  • B. lactis Bi-07
  • B. breve (Bbr8)
  • L. plantarum (14D)
  • B. animalis (subspecies lactis BLC1)
  • L. paracasei (IMC 502)
  • L. rhamnosus (IMC 501)
  • L. acidophilus (LA1)
  • B. longum (subspecies longum SP54)


What do probiotics do?

Probiotic bacteria that have been studied for digestive health help convert the foods we eat into nutrients we can use. Regular use of probiotics also helps crowd out the bad bacteria by using up those prebiotic nutrients, as well as maintaining the proper pH balance in your digestive tract. Helpful bacteria also help nourish and encourage your body's healthy immune response. But not all probiotic bacteria focus on digestion. New science indicates that there are probiotic strains that can be beneficial for your liver health, mouth and throat, and even your heart.

Want to learn more?

Digestive Health - Microbiome

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Get our "pro tips" on which beneficial bacteria you need to be your best.



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