Your Guide to Heart Health
Enter your email below to download our eBook which includes supplement, dietary, and blood test suggestions.
Destination heart health – here are the smart steps to get there.
Vitamin K2 Reduces Atherosclerosis
Cardiovascular disease remains the number one killer in the US. Here’s how vitamin K2 can help.
Combining CoQ10 and Selenium
Learn how CoQ10 and selenium supplements work together to enhance cellular function in ways that translate directly into improved human health.
Arterial Plaque Rupture
Not all arterial plaque is the same. There is hard (calcified) plaque and soft (noncalcified) plaque. Is soft plaque actually WORSE?
One Beat at a Time: Your Guide to Heart Health
An efficient heart and circulatory system can improve your health and well-being, so you can get the most out of life. Discover four ways you can start improving your heart health!
Quick Tips for Heart Health
Listen to Dr. Mike as he explains all the factors that need to be considered when it comes to heart health.
Standard Cholesterol Tests Aren’t Enough
Be sure to check out the chart in our eBook for blood test suggestions that provide a more advanced look at heart health.