Life Extension Magazine®

Man having blood taken to test for estrogen hormone balance

Why Estrogen Balance is Critical to Aging Men

Life Extension® has long warned of the lethal dangers of estrogen imbalance in aging men. A new study in the Journal of the American Medical Association confirms a strong link to male mortality based on estrogen blood levels. Fortunately, most male Life Extension members test their estrogen blood levels annually and take steps to maintain optimal balance.

Scientifically reviewed by Dr. Gary Gonzalez, MD, in August 2023. Written by: William Faloon.

William Faloon 
William Faloon

When we started offering comprehensive blood test panels back in 1996, men did not understand why we were checking their estrogen levels. Back in those days, estrogen was considered a hormone of importance only to women.

We tested estrogen based on published data indicating that when estrogen levels are unbalanced, the risk of degenerative disease in aging men skyrockets.1-7 Of concern to us 14 years ago were reports showing that excess estrogen contributes to the development of atherosclerosis.8,9 Human clinical studies conducted more than a decade later confirmed our suspicions. Men with even slightly elevated estrogen levels doubled their risk of stroke and had far higher incidences of coronary artery disease.10-12 Our early observations also revealed that men presenting with benign prostate enlargement or prostate cancer had higher blood estrogen levels (and often low free testosterone blood levels).13-16 Subsequent clinical studies help confirm our early observations.17-21

Insufficient estrogen, on the other hand, predisposes men to osteoporosis and bone fracture.22,23

The fact that 99% of men today have no idea what their blood estrogen levels are helps explain the epidemic of age-related disease that is bankrupting this nation’s medical system.

What you need to know

Sales of testosterone replacement drugs have surged more than 20-fold in response to studies linking low testosterone to a host of common maladies. On the other hand, the importance of estrogen levels in men has been grossly overlooked. Elevated levels of estrogen can increase the risk for diseases such as atherosclerosis and stroke and insufficient levels can increase the risk of osteoporosis and bone fracture. Alternative methods are available to control estrogen levels, while helping to maintain youthful levels of testosterone in men.

New Study Published in the Journal of the American Medical Association

Conventional doctors tend to ignore hard science until it appears in their own medical journals.

A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) measured blood estradiol (a dominant estrogen) in 501 men with chronic heart failure. Compared to men in the balanced estrogen quintile, men in the lowest estradiol quintile were 317% more likely to die during a 3-year follow-up, while men in the highest estradiol quintile were 133% more likely to die.24

The men in the balanced quintile—with the fewest deaths—had serum estradiol levels between 21.80 and 30.11 pg/mL. This is virtually the ideal range that Life Extension® has long recommended male members strive for.

The men in the highest quintile who suffered 133% increased death rates had serum estradiol levels of 37.40 pg/mL or above. The lowest estradiol group that suffered a 317% increased death rate had serum estradiol levels under 12.90 pg/mL.

The dramatic increase in mortality in men with unbalanced estrogen (i.e., estradiol levels either too high or too low) is nothing short of astounding. It uncovers a gaping hole in conventional cardiology practice that is easily correctable.

This study revealing the lethal dangers of estrogen imbalance was published in conventional medicine’s Bastille of knowledge—the Journal of the American Medical Association. Physicians no longer have a basis to question male Life Extension® members who take aggressive approaches to maintain their serum estradiol levels in optimal ranges.

Low Estradiol and Testosterone Predict Mortality in Aging Men

Sales of testosterone replacement drugs have surged more than 20-fold in response to studies linking low testosterone to a host of common maladies.

In a recent study of 3,014 men aged 69-80 years, serum levels of testosterone and estradiol were measured during a mean follow-up of 4.5 years. Men with low testosterone had 65% greater all-cause mortality, while men with low estradiol suffered 54% more deaths.25

Those men low in estradiol and testosterone were almost twice as likely to die (a 96% increase in mortality) compared to men in the optimal ranges.25

This large study of aged men corroborates prior published reports linking imbalances of testosterone and/or estradiol with greater incidences of degenerative disease and death.26-36

How Do Men Naturally Make Estrogen?

Women synthesize most of their estrogen in their ovaries and other reproductive tissues.

Since men lack this female anatomy, they need to produce estrogen through a process involving an enzyme called aromatase that transforms testosterone into estradiol.

How Do Men Naturally Make Estrogen?

Aging men sometimes have too much aromatase activity, which causes their testosterone to convert to excess estradiol. This results in depletion of vital testosterone while spiking estradiol to unsafe ranges.

Some men lack aromatase and suffer an estrogen deficit. Other men produce so little endogenous testosterone that there is not enough to convert into estrogen, which causes low levels of both free testosterone and estradiol.

Fortunately, no matter what the underlying cause, aging men can easily achieve optimal free testosterone and estradiol serum levels.

Free testosterone is the unbound form that is biologically available to cell receptor sites throughout the body. Measuring free testosterone blood levels is the most accurate way of assessing testosterone status in aging men.

How Aging Men Can Control Their Estrogen Levels

An epidemic problem we at Life Extension observe in aging male members is insufficient free testosterone, i.e., less than 15-20 pg/mL of serum. When accompanied by excess estradiol (over 30 pg/mL of serum), this can signal excess aromatase enzyme activity.

Excess aromatase robs men of their testosterone while exposing them to higher than desirable estradiol.37 Aromatase can be suppressed with absorbable forms of chrysin (a plant flavonoid) and/or lignans such as those extracted from the Norway spruce tree (HMRlignan™).38-42

If these nutrients fail to reduce estradiol adequately, then we suggest that men ask their doctor to prescribe an aromatase-inhibiting drug like Arimidex® in the very low dose of 0.5 mg twice a week.

When aromatase is properly suppressed, estradiol levels are reduced to safe ranges, while free testosterone often increases, since less testosterone is being aromatized into estradiol.

Why Some Men Need Topical Testosterone Creams

Most testosterone in a man’s body emanates from the testes. Aging results in a decline in testicular output, thus necessitating the topical application of a testosterone cream to restore this vital hormone to youthful levels. Ideal free serum testosterone levels for most aging men are between 20-25 pg/mL.

As you may surmise, a man who produces too little testosterone risks a lethal deficiency of both free testosterone and estradiol. That’s because men need testosterone to synthesize estradiol in their bodies. In the presence of insufficient testosterone production, some aging men are vulnerable to low free testosterone and low estradiol that according to the latest study almost doubles their risk of dying over a 4.5 year period!25

Critical Importance of Blood Testing

Today’s conventional physicians prescribe blood tests to check glucose, cholesterol, and triglycerides, but rarely check their male patients’ free testosterone and estradiol levels.

Critical Importance of Blood Testing

When looking at the horrific-ally high mortality rates associated with imbalances of these critical hormones, it becomes strikingly apparent that a significant number of heart attacks, strokes, bone fractures, and other degenerative diseases are easily preventable.

One reason these hormone blood tests are not normally prescribed is their high retail cost, and the fact that many insurance companies refuse to pay for them.

As a member of the Life Extension Foundation®, you don’t have to be victimized by conventional medical ignorance, high prices, or insurance company indifference.

Take Charge of Your Health with Low-Cost Blood Testing

An all-inclusive blood test panel that includes free testosterone and estradiol can retail for $1,000 at commercial labs. Life Extension members can obtain these same tests for only $269.

If your blood test result reveals an imbalance of free testosterone and/or estradiol, you are in a position to initiate immediate corrective action. Not only can restoring youthful hormone balance save your life, but men (and women) often experience an enhancement in their quality of life after their hormones are adjusted to optimal ranges.

A complete description of the Male and Female Blood Test Panels can be found on this site. As you’ll readily see, these panels contain many important tests (such as homocysteine, C-reactive protein, and DHEA) that mainstream doctors seldom check for.

When you order these tests, a requisition form is sent listing blood drawing stations in your local area. Appointments are usually not necessary, meaning you can have your blood drawn at your convenience.

To order a comprehensive Male and/or Female Blood Test Panel, just call 1-800-208-3444. It is the single most important step you can take to ensure your continued good health.


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