Stacks of rocks as analogy for hormone balance

Hormonal Health/Balance

Hormonal Health/Balance

As we age, hormone levels can become unbalanced, resulting in undesirable changes. Our protocols for male and female hormone replacement and DHEA restoration therapy share knowledge concerning bioidentical hormone replacement, which is lacking among many mainstream physicians.

Hormonal Health/Balance Science & Research

Healthy eating, exercise, lab tests and supplements can all play an important role in maintaining a healthy hormone balance.

Frequently Asked Hormonal Health/Balance Questions


What are general symptoms of sex hormone imbalance?

“Hormonal imbalance” typically connotes low testosterone in men, and low progesterone or estrogen (or an imbalance between the two) in women. For men, low testosterone can manifest as decreased libido and energy and depressed mood; declining muscle mass may occur in cases of marked testosterone deficiency but is less common. For women, hormonal changes that occur during the perimenopausal period often associate with symptoms such as hot flashes, depression, and vaginal dryness. The menopausal transition happens, on average, around age 51. Some women may experience symptoms potentially related to hormonal imbalance when they are younger. A hormone panel blood test can help determine if a hormonal imbalance is present in both men and women.


What are some natural estrogen replacements?

For menopausal women, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy may help ease some symptoms linked to declining estrogen levels. Other women benefit from supplementation with phytoestrogens like those found in Siberian rhubarb, soy, hops and Norway spruce. Women with a history of hormone-related cancer should consult a qualified physician before beginning bioidentical HRT or supplementing with phytoestrogens.


What are the benefits/risks of testosterone replacement therapy?

The effects of testosterone replacement may depend on the degree of baseline insufficiency and health status. For men with markedly low testosterone levels, testosterone replacement may help mitigate symptoms caused by testosterone insufficiency, such as lack of energy, decreased libido, and depression. Among obese men with low testosterone and diabetes, testosterone replacement helped improve several metabolic parametes. Similar findings have been reported for men with metabolic syndrome. But testosterone therapy is not risk free. For instance, it has been linked to increased coronary artery plaque volume and some other potential cardiovascular risks, but more data are needed to clearly establish how testosterone replacement influences cardiovascular outcomes. Testosterone replacement may also adversely affect prostate health, blood clot risk, and cholesterol levels. Testosterone replacement therapy should always be under the supervision of a qualified physician.

Hormonal Health/Balance News