Cutting-edge research has shown that brain cells can regenerate. Recent studies show that the amino acid taurine triggers new brain cells to grow in the area of the brain associated with memory. This can lead to improved cognition and recall for the aging brain.

Best Drug To Treat Hypertension
One in three adults has high blood pressure, yet only 45% have it controlled. Recently, the FDA approved the sale of generic telmisartan. This drug offers blood pressure control, improves insulin sensitivity, boosts mitochondrial activity, and enhances endothelial function.

Reversing Acute Ischemic Stroke
Stroke is a leading cause of long-term disability in the United States and the fifth-leading cause of death. Many strokes can be reversed if competent arterial intervention is timely delivered. Emergency response personnel are dropping the ball when it comes to implementing lifesaving procedures to remove blood clots before permanent brain damage occurs. Read how hundreds of thousands of stroke-induced catastrophes can be prevented each year.

By age 70, DHEA levels diminish by around 75% and this decline is associated with many age-related disorders. A startling amount of cumulative evidence shows that restoring DHEA can enhance vascular health by reducing the risk of atherosclerosis, endothelial dysfunction, and metabolic syndrome.

Major Advances In Glioblastoma Treatment
Each month, 1,000 Americans die from glioblastoma with survival averaging only 15 months from diagnosis. In 2013, Life Extension ® reported on the use of the drug valganciclovir, which extended survival to over four years in some studies. Clinical trials are now underway at Duke University on a promising, re-engineered polio virus therapy that may be curative.

An Alternative To Conventional Breast Cancer Treatment
Conventional treatment of breast cancer involves risky side effects inflicted by surgery, radiation, chemo, and hormone therapies. A new outpatient therapy provides a nontoxic alternative with significant advantages.

Advances In Fish Oil Purity And Potency
Fish oil derived from pristine Alaskan waters creates new meaning to the word “fresh.” Meticulous steps are taken to produce an omega-3-rich oil with a 5-fold reduction in the upper threshold standard of oxidation. The best has just gotten better!

Boron Reduces Prostate Cancer Risk
Compelling evidence indicates that the trace mineral boron plays an important role in protecting men against deadly prostate cancer by selectively killing prostate cancer cells while leaving healthy cells unharmed. Adequate boron levels are associated with a 64% reduced risk of prostate cancer as well as a reduction in PSA levels.

Surprising Factor Behind Sudden Cardiac Arrest
A 2014 study reveals that low testosterone or high levels of estrogen can sharply increase the risk of sudden cardiac arrest in men. Failure to grasp this simple blood testing concept may be a contributing factor in over 260,000 American deaths each year. Find out how the FDA misinterpreted published human data about testosterone replacement and the critical importance of testing estrogen blood levels in men before testosterone is prescribed.