
Resolve the Epidemic of Chronic Inflammation
Researchers have identified fatty acids that help restore tissues injured by inflammation.

Epidemic of Fatty Liver Disease
80 million Americans are afflicted with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. A probiotic-prebiotic blend can reduce severity and stop liver destruction.

Why Blood Tests are not Saving More Lives
Achieving healthy apolipoprotein B levels can decrease coronary artery disease risk. Conventional blood tests usually do not test for apolipoprotein B.

Male Sexual Health
A ginger-like root was shown in a published study to improve sexual health in 61.5% of male participants in as few as 30 days.

Restore Cognitive Funtion
Recent studies indicate that curcumin plays a multi-targeted role in reducing cardiovascular risks associated with obesity, metabolic syndrome, and diabetes.

Is Aspirin Needed Today
Recent studies show low-dose aspirin may not be needed to reduce heart attack and stroke risk in healthier Americans.

Vitamin D and the Heart
Low vitamin D can lead to arterial stiffness, contributing to heart failure, high blood pressure, and strokes.

Osteoporosis Accelerates Aging
Aging bones release inflammatory proteins along with harmful growth factors that facilitate malignant-cell propagation and contribute to vascular calcification.

Reduce Senescent Cell Burden
Senescent cells accelerate old-age decline. Top journals report marked regenerative improvements when senolytics are used to reduce the senescent cell burden.

Lower Male Nighttime Urinary Frequency
A human study found that a nutrient combination reduced nighttime overactive bladder in 64% of men.

Tragedy of Delayed Prevention
Even slightly elevated blood glucose or hemoglobin A1c increases the risk of stroke, cancer, and type II diabetes.

Probiotic Approach to Depression and Anxiety
Two innovative probiotic strains reduce depression and anxiety. A human study showed a 50% improvement in depression scores.

Combating Nasal Allergies
A specific probiotic combined with fermented yeast resulted in 43% fewer days with nasal congestion and a 31% reduction in eye symptoms.