September Issue
Cutting-edge research has shown that brain cells can regenerate. Recent studies show that the amino acid taurine triggers new brain cells to grow in the area of the brain associated with memory. This can lead to improved cognition and recall for the aging brain.

Enhance Your Endothelial Function
Mainstream medicine overlooks the critical role the endothelium plays in maintaining vascular health. With age, nitric oxide production declines, resulting in endothelial dysfunction. Nondrug methods have been identified to boost nitric oxide to help restore function to aging arteries.

The Japanese “Longevity” Dietary Constituent
The Japanese are among the world’s longest-lived people. This may in part be due to their ingestion of compounds found in brown seaweed. New research reveals how these compounds rejuvenate immune function.

Major Advances In Glioblastoma Treatment
Each month, 1,000 Americans die from glioblastoma with survival averaging only 15 months from diagnosis. In 2013, Life Extension ® reported on the use of the drug valganciclovir, which extended survival to over four years in some studies. Clinical trials are now underway at Duke University on a promising, re-engineered polio virus therapy that may be curative.

An Alternative To Conventional Breast Cancer Treatment
Conventional treatment of breast cancer involves risky side effects inflicted by surgery, radiation, chemo, and hormone therapies. A new outpatient therapy provides a nontoxic alternative with significant advantages.

Scientists Create World’s First Fully Functioning Organ
The thymus gland helps regulate our immune system. An international team of scientists has created a fully functioning thymus gland in the laboratory and transplanted it into a mouse.

The 2015 International Stroke Conference
While stroke death rates have declined since 1990, stroke-related disability has increased 40%. More than one-third of those who have a stroke after age 80 become demented. At the recent stroke conference, scientists reported on new findings related to preventing and treating stroke including brain microbleeds, carotid plaque removal, and migraine-stroke connections.

A Listing of Stroke Centers That Offer the Most Advanced Techniques In The United States
Life Extension® has compiled a listing of comprehensive stroke centers that currently provide rapid-response treatment of acute stroke using intra-arterial thrombectomy/tPA (endovascular clot retrieval therapy).

Reversing Acute Ischemic Stroke
Stroke is a leading cause of long-term disability in the United States and the fifth-leading cause of death. Many strokes can be reversed if competent arterial intervention is timely delivered. Emergency response personnel are dropping the ball when it comes to implementing lifesaving procedures to remove blood clots before permanent brain damage occurs. Read how hundreds of thousands of stroke-induced catastrophes can be prevented each year.

In The News
Metformin reduces glaucoma risk; green tea lowers prostate cancer risk; magnesium reduces stroke risk; vitamin D is protective against lung cancer; vitamin E maintains muscles; coffee lowers mortality; and more.

Sedell Rand
A trailblazer in many aspects of her life, Sedell Rand has also been at the forefront of life extension. At age 94, Rand continues to run her own business, work out with a trainer, and enjoy the best years of her life.