September Issue
For decades, Europeans have taken herbs and supplements to enhance their health. While interest in alternative therapies is growing, natural remedies are not as widespread in the United States.
Eat Less - But Do Eat Lots of Blueberries
Anti-aging therapies, caloric restriction, blueberries and genes were among the highlights of the joint AGE and American College of Clinical Gerontology conference.

Glutamine the Essential Amino Acid
Used as a source of energy by all rapidly diving cells, L-Glutamine plays several key roles in the body. It strengthens the immune, gastrointestinal and cardiovascular systems, combats hypoglycemia and helps maintain muscle mass.
Surgery Vitamins
A serious accident or a surgical procedure can thrust a person into a life-or-death struggle to fight off infection and heal. Fortunately, research findings show that healing can be accelerated with proper nutrition.
Counterfeit Supplements
Should the Life Extension Foundation become a Consumer Protection Organization?
In The News
Garlic prevents plaque build-up, fish oil's effects on depression, upcoming events.
MSM the Multi-Purpose Compound
A multi-purpose compound and the antler phenomenon.
Shirlana Neander
Beating the clock and reaching the goal of youth and beauty.
Review of Methyl Magic
A review of Methyl Magic: Maximum Health Through Methylation by Craig Cooney, PhD with Bill Lawren.
Vitamin E Succinate
Vitamin E succinate and breast cancer, SAMe, Vinpocetine and more...
Medical Updates
Studies from around the world that can help you live longer.