- Science & Research
- Magazine
- 2022
- September
A scientific review published in May 2022 describes the therapeutic potential of a supplement called carnosine. This review advocates for more clinical trials to evaluate carnosine’s ability to combat common disorders afflicting aging humans.

Probiotics For Women's Health
Two probiotics demonstrate beneficial effects by rebalancing the vaginal microbiome, improving immunity, and supporting healthy digestion.

Nutrients That Help Prevent Prostate Cancer
A 2021 study found that certain foods exert protective effects against prostate cancer.

Safely Turn Off Pain Signals
In human trials, a fatty acid produced in the body has been shown to reduce pain from joints, arthritis, sciatica, and migraines.

An Overlooked Cancer Therapy & Clinical Trial Opportunity
A clinical trial uses a new combination of cryo-immune focal therapies against various types of cancer. The goal is to achieve optimal patient outcomes while avoiding serious side effects.

How Dopamine Protects the Aging Brain
By preserving healthy dopamine levels, phellodendron bark may help maintain clear thinking and motivation—while reducing potential for neurodegenerative illnesses.

Optimized Prostate Cancer Treatment
For the past 23 years, Life Extension® has been privileged to interact with a medical oncologist who has consistently identified the world’s most effective approaches to prostate cancer diagnosis and treatment.

Optimized Prostate Cancer Treatment - Part 1 & Part 2 FULL
Life Extension co-founder William Faloon asked Dr. Stephen Strum to share the best way to treat prostate cancer (PC).

Too Many Needless Deaths!
The number of American men dying of prostate cancer is increasing. Yet, innovative treatments demonstrate favorable outcomes with minimal side effects. Early diagnosis is key, especially PSA screening in men 40 and older.

In The News: Rates of PSA Testing Increase
PSA testing increases after guidelines updated; vitamin E tocotrienols help prevent weight gain; low ergothioneine levels linked to dementia and cognitive impairment; specialized pro-resolving mediators (SPMs) may help treat MS.