August Issue
The science of skin rejuvenation is transforming into evidence-based reality. Researchers have created a nutrient-rich topical program designed to promote skin renewal and rehydrate aged skin.

Enhance Erectile Function by Improving Vascular Health
Erectile dysfunction can symptomatically manifest three years prior to a heart attack. Clinical studies reveal specific nutrients that can help reverse endothelial dysfunction and improve male sexual performance.

Avoid an Overlooked Cause of Stroke & Dementia
Homocysteine levels increase with age. The result is elevated risks for stroke, heart attack, and dementia. A simple blood test can determine homocysteine levels that can be safely lowered with the proper forms of B-vitamins.

Targeted Blood-Sugar Control
The US Department of Agriculture filed a patent application on a water-soluble cinnamon extract based on its glucose-lowering properties. This cinnamon extract has demonstrated beneficial effects against elevated blood sugar and metabolic syndrome.

Homocysteine and Brain Aging
In 1981, Life Extension® published data showing that high homocysteine blood levels increase heart attack and stroke risk. Alarming new studies link high homocysteine to degenerative brain disorders. Specialized forms of folate and other B vitamins can lower homocysteine to safer ranges.

In The News
CoQ10 improves polycystic ovary syndrome; fasting combats leukemia; vitamin D inhibits metabolic syndrome; iron deficiency promotes hearing loss; nicotinamide may block Parkinson’s disease.

Melatonin’s Newly Discovered Anti-Aging Mechanism
Scientists have discovered that melatonin promotes longevity by preserving mitochondrial function.

The Neurogenesis Diet & Lifestyle Interview with author Brant Cortright, PhD
The Neurogenesis Diet & Lifestyle combines a holistic approach to increase the creation of new brain cells with the latest neuroscience research on enhancing brain health and cognitive function.

Mushrooms are one of the most popular foods due to their unique nutritional value. They are low in fat and sodium but high in dietary fibers, antioxidants, and B vitamins.

Dr. Sara Gottfried: How To Feel Younger, And Live Stronger And Longer
Dr. Sara Gottfried uses evidence-based medical data, functional medicine and natural hormone balancing strategies in her practice to help women lose weight, detoxify, and slow down aging.