August Issue
People who consume more omega-3s possess larger, more functional brains according to the latest research. Discover extraordinary findings on the unique power of these essential nutrients to combat various forms of mental illness, ward off neurological disorders, and even reverse brain aging.

Curb Compulsive Eating Naturally
Do you routinely eat more than you mean to? Your problem may be more than a matter of self-control. A historic study reveals the brain chemistry behind compulsive eating and drug addiction is identical. The good news is a newly identified saffron extract targets these neurochemical factors, helping to curb appetite and reduce caloric intake.
Combating the “Diabesity” Epidemic
Obesity-driven diabetes—now termed “diabesity” by some experts—is expected to affect 366 million people worldwide by 2030, making it the largest epidemic the world has ever faced. Yet conventional medicine largely fails its victims through late detection and inadequate treatment. Life Extension® examines the overlooked factors behind this global health disaster and offers multimodal prevention strategies.
Protect your DNA from CT Scans and X-rays
Recent headlines on the appalling misuse of CT scans and X-ray imaging have finally drawn attention to their lethal effects. Routine diagnostic radiation exposure may account for nearly 30,000 new cancer cases each year. Here we detail an optimal radioprotective nutritional regimen, including polyphenols, trace minerals, and antioxidant compounds.
Lethal Danger of CT Scans
Fresh scientific evidence has forced arrogant doctors and indifferent regulators to concede what Life Extension® has argued for years: that needless CT scans and medical X-rays are placing hundreds of thousands of lives at risk through deadly DNA mutation.
Dr. Enrique Ginzburg
Dr. Enrique Ginzburg, Professor of Surgery in the Division of Trauma and Surgery Critical Care at the University of Miami’s Miller School of Medicine, combines cutting-edge science with a supplement-rich diet to give his patients the best chance at a longer life.
In The News
Greater vitamin K intake associated with lower diabetes risk; vitamin D status associated with physical function in older men and women; vinpocetine shows promise for chronic inflammation; broccoli compound targets breast cancer stem cells; and more.
Drug-induced Nutrient Depletion
Harlan C. Bieley, MD, of the Healthy Aging Medical Center in Palm Beach, Florida, responds to a reader’s question involving ways to combat drug-induced nutrient depletion.
A Guide to Complementary Treatments for Diabetes:
A Guide to Complementary Treatments for Diabetes: Using Natural Supplements, Nutrition, and Alternative Therapies to Better Manage Your Diabetes.
Medical ID Card Holds Your Records Electronically
The credit card-sized 911 Medical ID Card™ or ultra-slim 911 Medical ID Medallion™ enables you to store and update your complete medical history and may literally be the difference between life and death.