June Life Extension Magazine®
A clinically tested rhubarb extract has been shown to counteract common symptoms experienced by women over age 40. The addition of eight essential B vitamins further improves energy and mood.

Fish Oil and Brain Health
Fish oil helps improve depression scores, reduce stroke damage, and preserve cognition.

What's In Your Multivitamin Formula?
Commercial multivitamins often provide low potencies and fail to utilize enzymatically active forms of nutrients.

Fight Back Against Visible Signs of Aging
Oral ingestion of collagen peptides, solubilized keratin, and other nutrients helps restore skin, hair, and nails.

Reduce Joint Pain & Improve Mobility
A clinical trial of non-arthritic individuals shows improved joint pain, walking distance and speed, and knee range-of-motion with a blend of two plant extracts.

The Rapamycin Story
Ross Pelton discusses the lifespan-enhancing effects of a drug in clinical trials called rapamycin and alternative ways of attaining its benefits today.

Worst Mistake Made by Longevity Enthusiasts
Readers of Life Extension Magazine® are dedicated health enthusiasts, but too many are making a mistake that results in tragic outcomes. Observations made over a 45-year period reveal easy steps to protect against common degenerative disorders, including type II diabetes.

In the News: Astaxanthin And Glucose Metabolism
Astaxanthin reduces blood glucose; exercise protects against bone-related illnesses; calorie restriction improves immune health; long-term omega-3 supplementation may reduce Alzheimer’s risk.

New Tests to Guide Your Health Plans
Scott Fogle, ND, discusses blood tests for toxic metals, and two different genetic tests—one test uses nutrigenomics to assist with weight management goals, and the other offers nutritional recommendations based on your DNA.