June Issue
Battling a variety of issues since childhood, actress Mariel Hemingway looked thin for the cameras, but eventually developed serious health problems. In her new book, Mariel Hemingway describes how she rescued herself from a downward physical spiral while using a similar program to twice help save her husband from cancer.

How to Look Much Younger Than Your Real Age
People today are revolting against unsightly skin deterioration by taking aggressive steps to preserve their youthful radiance. New scientific studies uncover innovative approaches to prevent and reverse facial skin aging that are available for the first time to the general public.
Protecting Our Eyes Against Time-Induced Damage
By the age of 65 years, nearly one-third of adults will experience age-related damage to their eyesight. Fortunately age-associated vision loss is not inevitable. In fact, new studies show that the same nutrients that guard our eyes also confer powerful protection against common cancers and cognitive decline.
Doctors Ignore Proven Alternative to Coronary Stents and Bypass Surgery
Few cardiologists are aware of a non-invasive FDA-approved treatment that has been clinically proven to enhance blood flow to the heart. An abundance of scientific studies document how this often overlooked treatment can enable those with coronary atherosclerosis to avoid stents and bypass surgery.

Reducing Aging Markers with Lipoic Acid
In the process of generating cellular energy, the mitochondria produce huge numbers of toxic free radicals. Lipoic acid is an antioxidant that has been shown to help neutralize these kinds of damaging reactions. A new form of highly absorbable lipoic acid has been shown to be vastly superior to previous versions.
From Beijing to Bali, Tokyo to Thailand, Asia Embraces Anti-Aging Medicine
Anti-aging medicine is becoming the world’s fastest growing medical specialty. Now physicians and scientists of Asia are joining the movement to conquer age-related disease.
Rebuttal to Attack Against Bioidentical Hormones
Rebuttal to the Attack Against Bioidentical Hormones A horrifically flawed study is being used to discredit the cardioprotective benefits of natural testosterone. Find out why the medical establishment is so anxious to frighten us away from bioidentical hormones and the economic motivation of drug makers to deprive aging men of youthful testosterone.
Rhodiola increases life span; fish oil may prevent schizophrenia; low testosterone linked with endo-thelial dysfunction; soy’s potential benefits in osteoporosis; and more.
Protecting Yourself Against the Deadliest Skin Cancer: Melanoma
Melanoma can strike at any age and is the most common fatal skin cancer if diagnosed too late. Dr. Joel Wiszniak reveals how to best protect yourself against this deadly disease.