May Life Extension Magazine®
Scientists have identified nutrients that correlate with reduced mortality and greater healthspan by modulating multiple mechanisms of aging.

Benfotiamine’s Effects on Measures of Brain Aging
Benfotiamine has been shown to help defend against damage inflicted by blood sugar and slow measures of human cognitive decline.

GLP-1 Agonists for Diabetes, Obesity, and Heart Health
GLP-1 agonist drugs have emerged as game changers in controlling blood sugar and body weight. Clinical trials show that they also result in a 20% reduction in cardiovascular events and death.

Anti-Cancer Properties of Vitamin D
Observational studies have shown an association between low vitamin D and increased risk for many cancers. Clinical trials indicate who is most likely to benefit by supplementing with more vitamin D.

What is PQQ?
By promoting the generation of new cellular mitochondria, PQQ helps promote full-body health.

As We See It: Rationale for Combined Interventions
In a massive review published in 2023, scientists stressed the urgent need for combination approaches to target degenerative aging.

In the news: Resveratrol Associated with Improved Endothelial Function in Diabetes Patients
Resveratrol boosts endothelial function in diabetics; melatonin improves recovery factors in male soccer players; and more.

Ask the Doctor: Check Your Health with Lab Tests
Dr. Fogle discusses the latest must- have lab tests available to help you and your doctor understand your current health status.

Superfood: Beans
Beans are rich in minerals, high in protein and fiber, and low-glycemic index. Research shows that every 20-gram increase in dietary intake of legumes per day reduces risk of mortality by 8%.