May Issue
A broad-spectrum of probiotics combined with bacteria-killing phages reduce harmful gut microbes. This allows beneficial bacteria to flourish for healthier digestion and immunity.

Lithium: Dietary Supplement of Year 2020
Lithium supports telomere length and healthy DNA, and slows brain aging at ultra-low cost.

The Rising Rate of Obesity and its Consequences
Obesity is now responsible for about 20% of deaths in the United States. By year 2030, nearly half of all Americans will be clinically obese. Mediterranean-style diets and other strategies are urgently needed to reduce body fat mass.

The Most Important Annual Blood Tests
Annual blood tests can uncover smoldering risk factors before they manifest into clinically relevant disease.

How PQQ Slows Aging
A nutrient called PQQ restores youthful cell functions, delays cell senescence, and extends lifespan in animals.

Blueberries Reduce Heart Disease Risk Factors
Novel mechanisms have been identified to show how blueberry polyphenols help reduce formation of atherosclerosis.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil Protects the Heart and Slashes Breast Cancer Risk
Extra virgin olive oil retains polyphenols that favorably interact with the gut microbiota to lower cardiovascular risk factors.

Resurgence of Diabetes Complications
The increase in healthy longevity of Americans is deteriorating in people with less-than-optimal glucose control. Low-cost blood tests can identify glucose problems prior to outward manifestation of diabetic complications such as neuropathy, kidney failure, and heart attack.

In the News: Metformin Reduces Ovarian Cancer and more
Metformin may inhibit ovarian cancer; weight loss reduces women’s breast cancer risk; quercetin with dasatinib reduces senescent cells; zinc fights bacterial infection; ashwagandha improves sleep quality.

Super Food: Black Beans
High in anthocyanins and fiber, black beans attenuate blood sugar spikes and provide anticancer effects.