May Issue

The Anti-Aging Effects of Acetyl-L-Carnitine
New research yields unexpected anti-aging effects.
Ginkgo Biloba A Treasure from the Past
A treasure from the past, this herb has been found to produce numerous beneficial effects on the human body.
Doing Away with... Arthritis
A look at an innovative procedure involving human growth hormone that stimulates cartilage growth and joint mobility.
Americans Getting Healthier
People over age 84 in 1993 were shown to be healthier and more independent compared with those the same age in 1986.
In The News
I3C and cervical cancer, new testosterone gel,
Q and A
Differentiating among CLA products and more.
Medical Updates
Studies from around the world that can help you live longer.
Shark Liver Oil
In the April 1996 issue of Life Extension magazine, we reported on the benefits of Shark Liver Oil and its primary ingredient, alkylglycerols.
Howard Powers
Turning to Diet and Exercise - When Going Through the Motions is No Longer Enough
When Howard Powers turned 42, he realized he wasn't particularly happy about the quality of his life.