- Science & Research
- Magazine
- 2024
- April
April Life Extension Magazine®
Smart phones, high blood sugar, and UV light damage eye tissues and lead to vision loss. Clinical studies reveal simple measures to better preserve ocular health.

Effects of Dietary Protein on Muscle Mass and Frailty
Many older adults don’t get enough protein. Increasing protein helps maintain muscle mass and bone density, preventing frailty, loss of function, and other problems.

Reduce Nighttime Bathroom Visits
In a clinical study, a blend of five compounds reduced the frequency of nighttime urination. No subjects woke up more than once a night and the number suffering from nocturia dropped by 64%.

RAADfest 2024 Biomedical Conference
The 2024 RAADfest (Revolution Against Aging and Death) will feature cutting-edge scientists discussing age reversal with a new format enabling more group interactions.

Curcumin’s Multiple Diabetes Benefits
In clinical trials curcumin reduces many risk factors for type II diabetes including insulin resistance.

Singapore Opens First Public “Healthy Longevity Clinic”
The world’s first Healthy Longevity Clinic located within a public hospital has recently opened in Singapore. The goal is to increase the healthspan of Singaporeans.

Cancer Death Rates Drop, Why Am I Not Impressed?
Mainstream media hailed a 32% reduction in cancer death rates since 1991, but 16 million American lives were lost to cancer during this period. Combination treatments and screenings could have saved many lives, along with creative use of repurposed medications and healthy dietary changes.

In the News: Taurine Ranked as Top Supplement
Taurine may delay aging; omega-3 protects against exercise-induced inflammation; vitamin B6 decreases H. Pylori treatment side effects; and more.

Superfood: Quinoa
Quinoa, an edible seed, is a good source of gluten-free protein and fiber. Studies show it improves satiety, cholesterol, BMI, and blood sugar.

The Death of Death: The Scientific Possibility of Physical Immortality and its Moral Defense
In their book, The Death of Death, Jose Luis Cordeiro and David Wood outline the scientific possibility of super longevity due to artificial intelligence, tissue regeneration, and genetic therapies.

Patrick Murphy
Advice From Hollywood’s Top Trainer