March Issue
DNA damage correlates closely with how long we will live. Clinical studies uncover new plant extracts that reduce cellular DNA damage and may lower cancer risk.

Overlooked Dangers of Insulin and Glucose Spikes
With age, cells become insulin resistant and lose their ability to efficiently process glucose. Two plant extracts have been shown to slash after-meal insulin by 56% and after-meal glucose by 15% in human trials.

Reduce Your Risk of Arterial Stiffness
Arterial stiffness occurs when arteries lose youthful suppleness. This loss of arterial elasticity is a powerful predictor of mortality. Human studies show that vitamins D and K inhibit arterial calcification and stiffening.

Around-the-Clock Blood-Pressure Control
In about 35% of adults with hypertension, blood pressure does not fall at night as it should. Researchers have identified ways to lower blood pressure day and night for around-the-clock protection.

The “Concussion Doctor” Speaks
Dr. Bennet Omalu singlehandedly exposed the neurological dangers of football head injuries. Despite efforts by the National Football League to discredit him, Dr. Omalu ignited a revolution in player safety. He now works to protect millions of nonprofessional athletes from sports-related head injuries.

RAADfest 2018
At this year’s RAADfest, findings will be announced showing reversal of aging factors in humans. The audience will be able to directly interact with speakers and like-minded individuals. The ultimate objective is to outline a systematic protocol for achieving meaningful reversals of pathological aging processes. Also provided is a financial report to demonstrate the nonprofit nature of this annual conference.

New Hypertension Guidelines
The American Heart Association’s revised blood-pressure guidelines now agree with what Life Extension® has recommended for 30 years. The cost in shortened lives caused by the establishment’s delay in recognizing optimal blood pressure is enormous. Published findings confirm that keeping one’s blood pressure on the low end of the reference range confers significant protection against degenerative conditions.

In The News
Testosterone replacement enhances sexual function; grilled meat linked to higher mortality risk for breast cancer survivors; whey promotes muscle maintenance; and green tea protects cognitive function.

The novel properties of cilantro make it a tasty, citrus-like herb as well as a source of anxiety relief, heavy-metal elimination, blood-sugar reduction, and defense against infection.

Bartley J. Madden
In his book, Free to Choose Medicine, Bartley J. Madden advocates a free-market solution to replace the FDA’s regulatory monopoly. In an exclusive interview, he explains how the system can be improved and why a grassroots movement is necessary.

Vegan The Cookbook
The renowned chef of La Mano Verde in Berlin reveals his restaurant’s secret recipes in Vegan: The Cookbook. We provide four delicious—and nutritious—recipes from his collection.