March Issue
According to a study conducted at the Mayo Clinic, a surprising number of aging people suffer from a condition in which tiny areas of their brain become oxygen deprived. This vascular deficit sharply increases risk of stroke, dementia, and cognitive impairment. Healthy lifestyle choices can prevent and may help reverse it.

When Technology Goes In Reverse
Medical innovations evolve too slowly to save endangered lives. In this enlightening historical review, Steven B. Harris, MD, relates how cardiopulmonary resuscitation and other methods of bringing clinically dead people back to life took hundreds of years to become widely accepted.

How to Manage Autoimmune Diseases
Mainstream medicine has no cure for the millions who suffer from crippling autoimmune conditions. Studies show that glucosides extracted from the white peony root suppress harmful immune reactions while boosting calming immune components. Evidence suggests this unique dual mechanism helps suppress rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, psoriasis, inflammatory bowel disease, and other autoimmune disorders.

How Low-Cost Zinc Helps Combat Deadly Immunosenescence
Scientists now believe that immunosenescence could be caused in part by a deficiency of zinc, resulting in higher rates of infections and cancers in older adults. The low-cost mineral zinc strengthens the immune system, helps fight colds and flu, and may help avert certain cancers.

Response To Media Reports Associating Testosterone Treatment With Greater Heart Attack Risk
A recent study that received massive media attention suggested that testosterone drugs may increase the risk of death and certain cardiovascular events. This flawed study used inadequate amounts of often the wrong form of testosterone, did not evaluate male subjects’ estrogen levels, did not properly individualize the testosterone dose, and failed to take into account significantly different baseline testosterone levels. These flaws rendered this study’s findings meaningless to aging men who properly optimize their testosterone and estrogen levels.

Enhance Endothelial Function and Reduce Arterial Stiffness
An overlooked factor in preventing heart disease is avoiding endothelial dysfunction and arterial stiffness. In laboratory and clinical studies, extracts of the Amla fruit were shown to improve lipid profiles, blood glucose, platelet function, blood pressure, and oxidant stress resulting in better endothelial function. When Amla is combined with black tea extracts, there is even greater potential to reduce deadly arterial stiffening.

Mitochondria And Aging Conference On The Canary Islands
The Mitochondria, Metabolic Regulation, and the Biology of Aging Conference featured discoveries on the links between mitochondria and insulin resistance, between fat cells and aging, and between air pollution and cardiovascular disease. The 2013 conference demonstrated how mitochondria play key roles in the cause and potential cures of aging and associated diseases.

How Government Treated Those For Whom We Now Celebrate Holidays
Martin Luther King, Jr .and other visionaries were ruthlessly persecuted by whatever “authority” ruled in their time. Oppressive bureaucrats today restrain the development and dissemination of life-saving scientific discoveries.

Flax: A Wealth Of ALA And Lignans
Flaxseed is the richest dietary source of antioxidant lignans and boasts high levels of the essential fatty acid alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) and fiber. Studies show that flaxseed offers strong protection against cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome, and cancer, and helps manage type II diabetes and its complications.

In The News
Alpha lipoic acid with omega-3 slows decline in Alzheimer’s patients; low levels of vitamin D raise risk of infection after gastric surgery; grape seed compound provides anticancer effect to prostate cells; vitamin D deficiency linked to brain damage; meta-analysis casts doubt on concept of “healthy obesity”; vitamin C lowers stroke risk; high-fat diet in puberty associated with breast cancer risk; drugs that block stomach acid related to B12 deficiency; and more.