February Issue
Fish oil is associated with 14% reduced human mortality along with protection against neurodegeneration, metabolic disorders, and persistent inflammation.

Reverse Underlying Cause of Degenerative Aging
AMPK facilitates life-extending functions by removing cell pollutants and reducing abdominal fat. Two plant extracts can help restore more youthful AMPK activity.

Probiotics Offer Powerful Anti-Flu Defense
The flu vaccine is effective in just 17%-53% of older adults due to declining immunity. An innovative probiotic cocktail boosts the body’s immune defenses against winter cold and flu while reducing the severity of an attack.

Anti-Aging Mechanisms of NAD+
NAD+ promotes longevity through multiple mechanisms including DNA repair. Restoration of NAD+ has been shown to increase lifespan in mice by the human equivalent of 4 years.

Green Tea Protects Against Colorectal Cancer
Recent studies show that green tea blocks formation of colorectal-cancer stem cells. Green tea extract was found to reduce colorectal cancer risk in humans.

An Illogical Position of the American Heart Association
In 2017, the American Heart Association published findings showing that fish oil supplements are beneficial for heart failure patients and reduce hospitalizations. The American Heart Association went on to state there is “lack of scientific research” to support use of fish oil in the general population. We rebut this irrational position that one should wait until after they develop heart disease before embarking on a program to optimize omega-3 status.

In The News
Blueberries improve brain function; vitamin D supports pain management; Supplements lower risk of metabolic syndrome; resveratrol linked to lower glucose levels; and more.

Lentils are remarkably nutritious legumes. They help control weight, stabilize blood sugar, promote healthy gut bacteria, and lower LDL cholesterol.

Lisa Bartoli, DO
Dr. Lisa Bartoli worked with Olympic athletes to avoid pain and injury and now helps private patients maintain youthful function through integrative and osteopathic medicine.

Jim Mellon and Al Chalabi
The authors of Juvenescence: Investing in the Age of Longevity, explain the recent progress of scientists and companies in understanding the key molecular causes of aging.

Michael Ozner, MD
The prominent cardiologist and author explains the risk factors for heart disease and lays out a clear road map for avoiding it.