December Issue
A few pounds added over the holiday can turn into hard-to-lose body fat stores. A clinically tested intermittent program has been shown to prevent holiday weight gain while reducing vascular risk markers.

Dietary Approaches for the Prevention and Treatment of Prostate Cancer
The prostate glands of aging men often harbor malignant cells, but the right diet can prevent them from progressing to clinically-relevant prostate cancer.

Olive Oil Reduces Osteoporosis Fractures
A human study shows that people consuming high levels of extra virgin olive oil have a 51% lower risk of bone fractures.

Link Between Gum Disease and Aging
Two oral probiotics boost gum health by rebalancing the oral microbiome to reduce plaque and bleeding gums.

50 Years of Consistent Findings
Pine bark extract provides a concentrated mixture of procyanidins that have been shown to reduce risk of a host of vascular and inflammatory related conditions. New applications are being reported in the medical literature each year.

Another Year of Vindication
A landmark 2018 Prostate Cancer Prevention Trial showed that the drug finasteride slashed prostate cancer risk by around 25%. There was no increase in deaths from aggressive prostate cancer, as had been argued by the medical establishment. Life Extension® has long advocated that aging men consider this class of drug to relieve benign prostate hypertrophy and reduce prostate cancer risk.

In The News
Adequate omega-3 dose needed for benefits; testosterone deficiency widespread; vitamin D offsets many malnutrition effects; green tea helps dissolve arterial plaque.

Sweet Potato
The sweet potato, popular during the holidays, may help improve blood sugar levels and reduce oxidation.

Cholesterol Crystals: The Neglected Heart Attack Risk Factor
Cardiologist Michael Ozner, MD, explains how dangerous cholesterol crystals are formed deep inside arterial plaque and how research into omega-3 fatty acids and new medications may cut the risk of these crystals triggering a major cardiac event.

Dr. Man and the Art of Plastic Surgery
Plastic surgeon Dr. Daniel Man describes the many new weapons in his arsenal against the ravages of elements and time. Dr. Man believes plastic surgery today, along with a proper lifestyle, can act as an anti-aging treatment that runs more than skin deep.

Melanie Mühl & Diana von Kopp: How We Eat With Our Eyes and Think With Our Stomach
In their new book, How We Eat With Our Eyes and Think With Our Stomach, Melanie Mühl and Diana Von Kopp explain how commercial forces manipulate us into buying and consuming foods we don’t really want and should avoid.