December Issue
In his new book, Textbook of Bio-Identical Hormones, Dr. Edward Lichten explains his innovative approach to delay aging and treat chronic disease through optimal hormone balancing.

Carnitine and Thyroid Disease
An overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism) can lead to osteoporosis, insomnia, and muscle weakness. Researchers have now found that carnitine can enhance cellular energy and modulate the impact of hyperthyroidism.
The Little-Known Dangers of Acetaminophen
The common over-the-counter pain reliever, acetaminophen is a dangerous drug that can lead to liver and kidney disease. Cautious use and concomitant intake of specific nutrients may help prevent acetaminophen toxicity.
Autism:A Nutraceutical Approach
Growing evidence reveals that the onset of autism may be linked with nutritional and digestive abnormalities. Here, we review specific nutritional approaches that may offer hope for combating this devastating disease.
Advances in Nanomedicine
Cutting-edge breakthroughs in nanomedicine are moving this futuristic technology closer to reality. Read how molecular-sized machines inside our bodies may one day precisely detect and treat all diseases.
Can Humans Attain Physical Immortality?
If it were not for Ray Kurzweil's impressive credentials, the media would have disregarded his predictions about indefinite human life spans in the future. Read what today's forward thinkers are saying about this prospect.
Unique anthocyanins found in tart cherries impart powerful pain relief and protect against neuro-degenerative diseases. Together with antioxidative potential in fighting cancer, tart cherries may indeed be the ultimate super food.
Anthocyanins fight colon cancer; calcium and vitamin D reduce breast cancer; curcumin improves exercise performance; vitamin E prevents fatal blood clots; vitamin D cuts premature death risk; and more.
Heart Girl
Amy Silverstein's life was suddenly and dramatically changed forever by a heart transplant at the tender age of 25. Her new book, Sick Girl, is a brutally honest documentary of her journey through the medical system.
Rhodiola has been found to provide broad-spectrum protection from a range of daily stressors. This versatile herb is now gaining recognition for enhancing the nervous system and boosting physical endurance.
Ending Aging:The Rejuvenation Breakthroughs That Could Reverse Human Aging in Our Lifetime by Aubrey de Grey, PhD, with Michael Rae • Reviewed by Ben Best
As one of the world's most visionary gerontologists, Dr. Aubrey de Grey's new book, Ending Aging, establishes a cogent, science-based argument for new methods to indefinitely extend our life span.