October Issue
In addition to new published studies, a cardiologist observes reduced arterial plaque in patients taking two plant extracts.

When Does Cholesterol Cause Heart Disease?
New human trials show long-term reductions in cardiovascular and all-cause mortality when elevated LDL cholesterol is reduced. On the flip side are data suggesting that statin drugs can be risky for heart failure patients. Learn safer ways to lower blood lipids.

Enhanced Immunity Against Allergies and Colds
Scientists have identified a probiotic and yeast fermentate combination that reduced the frequency of colds and flus by 55%.

Senolytics Offer New Hope for Heart Failure
A senolytic cocktail eliminated harmful senescent cells, promoting cardiac progenitor cells that may help the heart heal itself.

Consumer Confusion about Cholesterol and Statin Drugs
Statin drugs deplete the body’s CoQ10 and vitamin K. Restoring these nutrients can reduce symptoms of heart failure and alleviate statin drugs’ side effects.

Constantly Tired? Oak Wood Fights Fatigue
Almost a million Americans experience chronic fatigue. French oak wood contains compounds that fight fatigue at the cellular level.

In the News: Sleep Boost
Sleep enhances immunity; low vitamin D linked to lower-back pain; olive oil lowers heart disease risk; spices inhibit post-meal inflammation.

Cancer: Inside Story of Corruption, Greed & Needless Deaths
In his book, Cancer Incorporated, Dr. Ralph Moss reveals how drug company giants paid doctors to downplay drugs’ side effects and play up non-existent benefits in rigged clinical trials.

Grow Fruit & Vegetables in Pots
Grow Fruit & Vegetables in Pots, by Aaron Bertelsen, shows that there’s no place too small to grow your own produce. We provide four of his recipes, highlighting fresh ingredients.

The USDA found that oregano has the highest free-radical-scavenging activity of all 39 herbs tested. Its aromatic and flavorful compounds deliver potent antiviral and antibacterial effects.